Thales eSE secure end-to-end solutions
What is an eSE?
The eSE (embedded Secure Element) is a tamper-proof chip available in different sizes and designs, embedded in any mobile device. It ensures the data is stored in a safe place and information is given to only authorized applications and people. It is like a personal ID for the end-user and for the device itself.
The eSE is multi-applicative and allows to secure a wide range of applications in any type of device and in various use cases: payment, couponing, transport, access control, ticketing, corporate, cloud computing, e-government. Depending on the device, eSE functionalities can vary, particularly the remote and secure way to retrieve data, secure connectivity, strong user authentication, device integrity, etc.
According to Eurosmart, 500 million eSE will be shipped in 2020 (i.e. +13.6% increase vs. 2018). Mobile payment has been increasing in popularity, smartphone OEM mobile wallet programmes are blooming across the globe. Wearables are also seen as a convenient form factor for payment and mass transit.
Thales has developed specific software to administrate and update eSE during the complete life cycle of the devices.
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